A Consultancy of Change

We are a tech platform designed to bring about change and break the perpetual cycle of poverty through empowerment and digital communication. We are up against the monopoly of banks and financial institutions who pretend to do good while doing harm, greenwashing of humanity.

The teams past experience within the voluntary, charity and public sector provides a good insight to the needs of particular groups of people that a commercial enterprise would not have. A Community Interest Company approach, free from a commercial agenda means we can focus on providing an effective service to our user group.

Our Mission
To Break The Perpetual Cycle Of Poverty
Our Program
Empowerment With Direct Action
Our Vision
A Kinder World

Our Services

Let's Get Social

Global Gatherings
Networking and Events
From Grassroots to Government - White Paper Inclusion - Government Procurement - Get your voice heard
Regenerative Agriculture
Community Help
Showcasing Amazing Social Enterprises and Game Changers
Digital Marketing
We Get Your Message Out To The Right People In The World - Let Us Sprinkle Some Magic on your Campaigns to Help People and to Love the Planet
Updating HERStory
Adas Army - Women Life Freedom - 5050 Parliament - WikiEditAThons - International Womens Decade

Meet Our Team

Dr LeeAnn Teal

Adas Army: Impact Fashion Hub

Amy Varle

Socially Homes

Leslie Southwick-Task

Adas Army

Hibo Wardere

Adas Army: no FGM

Martin Lucas


Michael Pardon

Legend Wizard

Marsha Collier

Adas Army: Tech 4 Good

Michelle Bauge

Adas Army

Susan Dolan

Adas Army

Heather Wilde

Adas Army: Tech 4 Good

Pat Morgan

Socially Homes USA

David Grinberg

Socially Homes USA

Bella Dures-Varle

Generation Socially

Susy Botello

Adas Army: Tech 4 Good

Benedicta Antwi Boasiako

Adas Army

Samuel Evans

Generation Socially

Abdul Nassar Mukasa

Socially Uganda

Peter Lawal

Socially Africa

Donna Rawling

Adas Army: Tech 4 Good

Jan Cruickshank

Adas Army: Womens Rights

Claire Moore

Samantha Beckinsale

Minnu Merson

Generation Socially

Emma Gardner

Adas Army

Muwanika Fahad

Socially Uganda

Zoe Philpott

Adas Army: Tech 4 Good

Peter Dolo

Socially Liberia

Simon Murungi

Our Food Systems

Angie Waters

Adas Army

Effy Zarabi

Adas Army

Analia Pastran

Adas Army

Justin Makangara

Socially Africa

Faranak Shahroozi

Adas Army

Jane Ndungu

Socially Uganda


Socially Uganda

Cat Wildman

Adas Army: STEM

Prof Frederic Leeroy

Our Food Systems

Phil Murphy

Socially Homes

Elaina Daley

Socially Homes


Adas Army

Sam Wall

Adas Army


Adas Army

Waf Njonjo-Shaw

Adas Army

Faith Logan

Adas Army

Emike Ola-ayeni

Adas Army

Gayan Mallawaarachchi


Adas Army: Womens Rights

Bettie Grady

Adas Army

Nicole Ponsford

Adas Army: STEM

Ivan Kimbowa

Socially Uganda
When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.


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