Recent News

July 21, 2024
From Farm to School: Hatching Hope in Kenya

Jane, a teacher and owner of Greta Rowe School in Kenya, embodies the spirit of a community champion. From farm to school & beyond academics, she's a farmer who cultivates leased land to feed her students. She also sells animal products to fund further sustenance. Her latest project, however, seeks to hatch not just chicks, but hope for the entire community. Jane needs an egg incubator with a 528-egg capacity, and her story deserves to be shared.

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July 11, 2024
Five Times August UK Tour: Festival and Exclusive London Show!

Five Times August joins a stellar lineup of musicians and thought-provoking speakers at the Jam for Freedom Festival, a weekend-long celebration of free expression and artistic exploration held at Springfield Farm in St Albans, Hertfordshire. Get ready to be inspired and invigorated as Five Times August takes the stage on August 9th.

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June 29, 2024
Sandbag Gardening

Do you dream of having a thriving vegetable garden but lack the space for traditional raised beds or sprawling plots? Well, fret no more! Sandbag gardening, an innovative and space-saving technique championed by the STEM GARDEN INITIATIVE and The People's Hub, is here to revolutionize your approach to urban agriculture.

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June 28, 2024
Bow the Handsome Boll Weevil Book

Bow the Handsome Boll Weevil is more than just a whimsical tale. It's a cleverly crafted story that weaves education and entertainment seamlessly. Through Bow's curious nature and exciting adventures, children learn about the cultivation of cotton, the process of transforming it into fabric, and the environmental impact associated with conventional clothing production. This newfound awareness empowers them to think critically about their clothing choices and the potential consequences.

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June 26, 2024
Ethical Clothing Brands: Find Sustainable Fashion Easily

The fashion industry is a whirlwind of trends, with new styles emerging seemingly overnight. But amidst this ever-changing landscape, a growing concern lingers: ethical and sustainable practices. Resulting, we would hoped would be more ethical clothing brands. However, consumers bombarded with eco-friendly buzzwords often struggle to distinguish genuine efforts from mere "greenwashing".

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June 26, 2024
First Harvest: A Dream Realized at All Souls!

The success of our school demonstration garden serves as a springboard for even greater things to come. We are energized by this achievement and brimming with enthusiasm to continue learning and growing alongside the People's Hub family. Together, we are committed to expanding our garden, refining our techniques, and nurturing a culture of sustainable agriculture within our school community.

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June 21, 2024
Comedy in Toronto: Laughter is the Best Medicine

Don't miss out on this opportunity to experience the joy of laughter and reap its many health benefits. Ditch the stress. Embrace the comedy in Toronto with some laughter! Toronto's comedy scene awaits on July 2nd.

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June 20, 2024
Transforming Lives in Mityana

The potential for positive change is far from exhausted. More support is needed to expand these initiatives and make an even greater impact on the lives of vulnerable individuals in Mityana. With Dr. Lee's continued expertise, the center is poised for a monumental step towards self-sufficiency. They aim to produce their own uniforms and clothing lines. Creating a sustainable source of income. This further empowers individuals.

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When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.


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