Social Media For Social Good: Socially Sorted

Join Us On The Journey

Help for Children - End Poverty - End Homelessness With Housing And Support - Building Communities - Our Food Systems - Womens Rights - Stop Rape Culture - Regenerative Agriculture - Stop Fashion Slavery - Nature Hub - Community Change - Social Impact

Let's Get Helpful - Support us for just £5. A fiver a month helps support our volunteers that are on the ground all over the world to help people directly. We work towards a way for people to help themselves and their communities, across the world with both short and longer-term solutions.

Even just a few pounds can go a long way in these countries, while we work together to bring agricultural solutions. In ways such as ethical farming, reading projects, food for the children while working towards future community school farming projects.


Meet Muwanika Fahad from Our Social Uganda

Muwanika Fahad is a native of Iganga District in Uganda. He has worked at the rescue organisation in Iganga as a community mobiliser. He has been head of sports and culture in Iwawu village and Iwawu parish under youth committee for the last four years. He received a bachelor degree in social work and social administration from Kampala International University with a focus in community social work and change.

Muwanika Fahad, Our Social, Iganga

Muwanika's devotion began for the charity organisation as a beneficiary of education, water and agriculture (food) program in Iganga, Busoga sub - region in Uganda nearly 3 years ago. This experience gave him a deep appreciation for how charity work seek to improve the quality of life for our region; one program at a time.

We are trying to help Kimbowa Ivan and Kisembo in Mityana, and Muwanaki Fahad in Igana, the Greater Kampala area of Uganda and also Christine in Kenya. They run orphanages for children who are also homeless. They help feed and educate them. They struggle themselves however they find the time to help these children. We're all working as a community to help the people who are suffering massively in poverty. We are sharing knowledge and resources, and have set this up to be able to receive funds to enable us to all do more to help.


Meet Amy Varle from Socially Homes

"There's no place like homes."

Amy Varle, Socially Homes
Art Day Every Day Amy Varle Susan Dolan Two Visual Thinkers
Two Visual Thinkers

Let's Get Social - Be part of what we do. We welcome anyone who wants to make a change in the world. Access to our monthly online Global Gatherings networking event which has enjoyed immense social impact throughout 2022 . Also access to private internet marketing Facebook group with over 25,000 community members. Social Media Mentions & Newsletters.


Meet Dr LeeAnn Teal from Impact Fashion Hub

Let's Get Serious - Join our network, access ALL of our EVENT's, inclusion in our marketing across all socials to over ONE MILLION people, digital advice including Search Engine Optimization, Raising your Profile and Getting Your Voice Heard in the right places. Meet our Founders from across the world. Invitations to high end events. Be part of the change.


Socially Solved - International Mastermind Sessions, VIP introductions, Access to Investment Capital, Executive Round Table Masterminds & Dinners [Worldwide], Governmental Procurement, Inclusion in White Papers.& Specialist Consultancy.

SOCIALLY SOLVED - £500 Per Month CLICK HERE TO 'Shake The World'.

Socially Homes, Downing Street, Cohort 2021

2023 Vocational Program

You will be able to visit some of The Peoples Hub projects in a vocational sense, meet and help the children in the orphanages, and also see the beautiful animals of Uganda and Kenya with our Eco-Partners - Inspire African Safaris.

Inspire Africa Safaris, Uganda

If you are interested in this program and other similar vocational projects across the world, from Uganda to the USA please do get in touch.

Sponsorship opportunities available for suitable individuals and groups interested in helping the children of Mityana and Liberia with projects ranging from housing, education, community school farming, and/or wildlife conservation.

Kimbowa Ivan, Our Social Uganda, Mityana
When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
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