Badger & Dodo Boutique Coffee Roasters

Badger & Dodo Boutique Coffee Roasters

Speciality Coffee Roaster, est 2008. Roastery in Cork. Sourcing direct from Origin. Artisan roasters of speciality, single origin and estate coffee. Checkout our roastery outlet on Barrack st Cork and our ONLINE SHOP.

Badger & Dodo Coffee Roasters is a social enterprise based in Cork, Ireland. The company was founded in 2008 by two friends who share a passion for great coffee and a commitment to social justice.

Badger Dodo coffee on the peoples hub

The social enterprise sources its beans from ethical and sustainable farms around the world. The beans are then roasted in small batches using traditional methods, which ensures that the coffee retains its full flavor and aroma.

Badger & Dodo offers a wide variety of coffees, including single-origin coffees, blends, and decaf coffees. The company also sells a variety of coffee accessories, such as coffee makers, grinders, and mugs.

In addition to selling great coffee, Badger & Dodo is also committed to giving back to the community. The company donates a portion of its profits to local charities and social enterprises.

Badger & Dodo is a great choice for coffee lovers who are looking for great coffee, sustainable practices, and a commitment to giving back.

Here are some additional details about where Badger & Dodo sources its coffee beans:

    • Colombia: Colombia is the world's largest producer of coffee. Badger & Dodo sources its Colombian coffee from a variety of regions, including Huila, Nariño, and Tolima.
Ethiopian coffee beans
Image Batch Coffee
    • Brazil: Brazil is the world's second-largest producer of coffee. Badger & Dodo sources its Brazilian coffee from a variety of regions, including Minas Gerais, São Paulo, and Paraná.
Brazilian coffee beans
Image Real Plastic Free
    • Peru: Peru is a major producer of high-quality coffee. Badger & Dodo sources its Peruvian coffee from a variety of regions, including Cusco, Cajamarca, and Piura.
    • Guatemala: Guatemala is a major producer of coffee with a rich history. Badger & Dodo sources its Guatemalan coffee from a variety of regions, including Antigua, Huehuetenango, and San Marcos.

If you are looking for great coffee that is both delicious and ethically sourced, then Badger & Dodo is a great choice. The company offers a wide variety of coffees to choose from, and it is committed to giving back to the community.

Find Us

11 Barrack St, Cork, T12 PH67, Ireland
+353 85 706 2019
When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.


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