Balfron Social Club

Balfron Social Club

Balfron Social Club was founded in December 2014 to examine the ‘regeneration’ & social cleansing of Ernö Goldfinger’s brutalist Balfron Tower in Poplar, in the London Borough of Tower Hamlets.

Balfron Social Club is a community-led social enterprise based in Balfron Tower, a Brutalist residential tower block in Poplar, London. The club was founded in 2014 by a group of residents and activists who were concerned about the regeneration of Balfron Tower and the potential displacement of its residents.

Balfron Social Club provides a variety of services and activities for residents of Balfron Tower and the wider community, including:

  • A community café
  • A library
  • A workshop space
  • A rooftop garden
  • A variety of events and activities, such as film screenings, talks, and workshops

Balfron Social Club is a vital space for residents of Balfron Tower and the wider community. It provides a place to meet, socialize, and learn. It also provides a platform for residents to have their voices heard and to participate in the regeneration of their community.

Balfron Social Club is a registered charity and is funded by a combination of grants, donations, and membership fees. The club is run by a team of volunteers and is governed by a board of trustees.

Here are some of the things you can do at Balfron Social Club:

  • Visit the community café: The café is a great place to relax and socialize. It also serves a variety of food and drinks.
  • Visit the library: The library is a great place to borrow books, magazines, and newspapers. It also hosts a variety of events and activities, such as storytime for children and book clubs for adults.
  • Use the workshop space: The workshop space is a great place to learn new skills or to create something new. It is also available for hire for private events.
  • Visit the rooftop garden: The rooftop garden is a beautiful space to relax and enjoy the view. It is also a great place to host events and activities.
  • Participate in events and activities: Balfron Social Club hosts a variety of events and activities throughout the year. These events are a great way to meet new people, learn new things, and have fun.

Balfron Social Club is a great place to get involved in your community and to make a difference.

Find Us

82 St. Leonards Rd, London E14 0QU, UK
When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.


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