Eyes On Animals

Eyes on Animals: Expose Animal Suffering

Eyes on Animals is an animal-welfare organization based in The Netherlands. We strive to reduce as much farm-animal suffering as possible during transport and slaughter. 


They do not have any permanent staff in the office, and work almost solely on the ground. They send teams out regularly to check on animal trucks on the highway and visit slaughterhouses. They work throughout Europe, Turkey and Ghana and are made up of a small international group of dedicated and practical people.


Eyes on Animals strategy:

  1. ENFORCE: get the existing animal-welfare legislation better enforced by training law enforcers, like highway police.
  2. EDUCATE: spread better practices by training chicken catchers, farm animal drivers and slaughterhouse workers on animal-behavior, intelligence and more humane handling techniques.
  3. ENCOURAGE: shedding a positive light on companies that are trying hard to reduce animal suffering.
  4. EXPOSE: expose animal suffering and shame the companies that cause it.


Their personal philosophy is that the world should move towards a more plant based agricultural system and completely more ethical animal farming. This will help to better guarantee no risk of animal abuse or suffering and also to better protect the planet.

They work directly with industry stakeholders and law enforcers. 

Why is this organization so important? You might ask. 

Eyes on Animals holds significant importance due to its dedicated efforts and unique approach in addressing and minimizing the suffering of farm animals during transport and slaughter. Several factors contribute to the significance of this organization:


  1. Direct Impact on Animal Welfare:

   Eyes on Animals operates on the ground, directly inspecting and monitoring conditions faced by farm animals during transportation and at slaughterhouses. This hands-on approach allows the organization to witness and address issues in real-time, leading to immediate improvements in animal welfare.


  1. Global Reach and Scope:

   The organization's international presence in Europe, Turkey, and Ghana demonstrates its commitment to addressing farm animal welfare issues on a global scale. This broad reach is essential, considering the interconnected nature of the agricultural industry and the need for consistent standards worldwide.


  1. Practical Solutions and Advocacy:

   Eyes on Animals stands out for its commitment to practical solutions. By working directly in the field, the organization is actively involved in implementing changes, collaborating with stakeholders, and advocating for better practices. This practical approach contributes to tangible improvements in animal welfare conditions.


  1. Focus on Transportation:

   The organization places a specific emphasis on monitoring animal transport, a critical stage where animals are particularly vulnerable to stress, injury, and poor conditions. By addressing transportation issues, Eyes on Animals plays a crucial role in ensuring the humane treatment of animals throughout their journey.


  1. Humane Slaughter Practices:

   Eyes on Animals extends its focus to slaughterhouses, recognizing the importance of humane treatment during the final stages of an animal's life. This commitment to humane slaughter practices aligns with broader efforts to improve the ethical treatment of animals in the agricultural industry.


  1. Advocacy for Regulatory Compliance:

   Through its activities, Eyes on Animals advocates for and monitors regulatory compliance within the agricultural industry. By pushing for adherence to existing standards and regulations, the organization contributes to a culture of accountability and responsibility in the treatment of farm animals.


  1. International Collaboration:

   The small international team at Eyes on Animals reflects a collaborative and diverse effort to address global farm animal welfare issues. By bringing together individuals with varied skills and experiences, the organization is better equipped to tackle the complex challenges faced by animals across different regions.


  1. Educational Role:

   The organization serves an educational role by raising awareness about the conditions faced by farm animals and promoting humane treatment practices. This educational aspect contributes to broader societal awareness and understanding of the ethical considerations surrounding animal welfare.


Eyes on Animals is important because it actively works to improve the lives of farm animals through on-the-ground monitoring, practical solutions, and advocacy. By addressing issues in transportation and slaughter, the organization plays a crucial role in promoting a more compassionate and ethical approach to animal welfare within the global agricultural industry.

Eyes on Animals calfs

Is there any significant difference this organization is making?

Eyes on Animals is making a significant difference in the realm of animal welfare, particularly in the context of farm animal transport and slaughter. The organization's impact can be observed through several key aspects:

  1. Real-Time Improvements:

   By operating almost solely on the ground, Eyes on Animals is able to witness and address issues faced by farm animals during transportation and at slaughterhouses in real time. This direct engagement allows for immediate interventions and improvements in the conditions experienced by the animals.


  1. Policy Advocacy and Enforcement:

   Through its monitoring activities, the organization contributes to the advocacy for and enforcement of animal welfare policies and regulations. By actively engaging with stakeholders and authorities, Eyes on Animals encourages compliance with existing standards and promotes the development of stronger regulations to protect farm animals.


  1. Education and Awareness:

   Eyes on Animals plays a vital role in raising awareness about the challenges faced by farm animals during transport and slaughter. By educating the public, stakeholders, and the industry itself, the organization contributes to a greater understanding of animal welfare issues and the importance of humane treatment.


  1. Cultural and Systemic Change:

   The organization's commitment to practical solutions and direct engagement contributes to cultural and systemic changes within the agricultural industry. By actively working with stakeholders, including farmers, transporters, and slaughterhouse operators, Eyes on Animals helps foster a mindset shift towards more humane and ethical practices.


  1. Improved Transportation Practices:

   Through its focus on monitoring animal transport, Eyes on Animals is instrumental in driving improvements in transportation practices. This includes advocating for better vehicle design, ensuring adequate space and ventilation for animals, and minimizing stress and injuries during transit.


  1. Enhanced Slaughterhouse Conditions:

   The organization's efforts extend to slaughterhouses, where they work towards implementing and promoting humane slaughter practices. This involves addressing issues related to handling, stunning, and overall treatment of animals in their final moments.


  1. International Collaboration:

   Eyes on Animals' international presence and collaborative approach contribute to a broader impact on a global scale. By working in different regions, the organization influences and contributes to the development of consistent and compassionate practices across borders.


  1. Inspiring Change in the Industry:

   Eyes on Animals' dedication to practical action and its success in achieving tangible improvements inspire change within the agricultural industry. By demonstrating that humane treatment is not only ethical but also practical, the organization sets an example for others in the field.

Eyes on Animals is making a significant difference by actively addressing and alleviating the suffering of farm animals during transport and slaughter. Through its practical approach, advocacy, education, and collaboration, the organization is contributing to a more compassionate and ethically responsible agricultural industry on a local and global scale.

Find Us

Amsterdam, Netherlands
When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.


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