Farm ED

Farm ED

FarmED is a not-for-profit organisation based at Honeydale Farm, a diverse 107 acre mixed farm in the Cotswolds. We aim to be at the heart of local, regional and global agroecological transition. We do this by providing learning spaces and events that inspire, educate and connect people to build sustainable farming and food systems that nourish people and regenerate the planet.

Our story

FarmED was founded in 2016 by a group of farmers, educators and community members who were passionate about creating a space where people could learn about sustainable farming and food systems. We believe that everyone has a role to play in building a more sustainable future, and we are committed to providing the resources and support that people need to make a difference.

Our services

FarmED offer a range of learning spaces and events, including:

  • Farm tours and workshops
  • Educational courses
  • Conferences and events
  • Consultancy and training

We also have a range of resources available, including:

  • A library of books and articles
  • A blog
  • A podcast
  • A social media presence

Our audience

Our audience is everyone - our local community, farmers, growers, advisers, foodies, policy makers, students and researchers. We believe that everyone has a role to play in building a more sustainable future, and we are committed to providing the resources and support that people need to make a difference.

Our impact

Since our inception, FarmED has reached over 10,000 people through our learning spaces and events. We have also supported over 100 farmers and growers to transition to more sustainable practices. We are proud of the impact that we have made, and we are committed to continuing to work towards a more sustainable future.

If you are passionate about regenerative agriculture, farming with nature and great food then join us on the journey. It's time to make a difference.

Here are some examples of FarmED's impact:

  • We have helped farmers to reduce their use of pesticides and herbicides, which has improved soil health and biodiversity.
  • We have helped farmers to increase their yields, while also reducing their costs.
  • We have helped farmers to connect with their local community, which has created a more resilient food system.
  • We have inspired people to eat more sustainably, which has reduced the environmental impact of our food system.

We are proud of the impact that we have made, and we are committed to continuing to work towards a more ethical sustainable future. If you are passionate about regenerative agriculture, farming with nature and great food then join us on the journey.

It's time to make a difference.

Find Us

Station Rd, Chipping Norton OX7 6BJ, UK
07539 451363
When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.


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