Greencity Wholefoods

Greencity Wholefoods


Greencity Wholefoods logo

Greencity Wholefoods is a worker cooperative wholefoods wholesaler in Glasgow, Scotland. The co-operative was founded in 1978 in Hillington, in the outskirts of Glasgow before moving in 1983 to its current location in Dennistoun in the city's East End. In 2019 the co-operative reported an annual turnover of £7.7 million and has 54 employee-members.


Greencity Wholefoods is a worker co-operative, which means that it is owned and controlled by its workers. The co-operative is committed to providing its workers with a fair wage and a safe working environment. Greencity Wholefoods also works to promote sustainable practices in the food industry. The co-operative only sources its products from ethical and sustainable suppliers.


Greencity Wholefoods sells a wide range of wholefoods, including:

    • Fruit and vegetables
Fruit and vegetables
    • Grains and cereals
Grains and cereals
    • Nuts and seeds
Nuts and seeds
    • Oils and vinegars
Oils and vinegars
    • Herbs and spices
Herbs and spices
    • Fermented foods
Fermented foods
    • Pantry staples
Pantry staples
    • Dairy products
Dairy products
    • Meat and fish
Meat and fish
    • Eggs
    • Bakery goods
Bakery goods
    • Confectionery
    • Drinks
    • Pet food
Pet food
    • Personal care products
Personal care products


Greencity Wholefoods hosts a range of events throughout the year, including:

    • Cooking classes: Greencity Wholefoods offers a variety of cooking classes, taught by experienced chefs.
Cooking classes
    • Taste testings: Greencity Wholefoods hosts regular taste testings of new products.
Taste testings
    • Product demonstrations: Greencity Wholefoods hosts product demonstrations from suppliers.
Product demonstrations
    • Talks and workshops: Greencity Wholefoods hosts talks and workshops on a variety of topics related to food and sustainability.
Talks and workshops

How to get involved

There are many ways to get involved with Greencity Wholefoods. You can:

  • Shop at Greencity Wholefoods: When you shop at Greencity Wholefoods, you are supporting a worker cooperative and a sustainable business.
  • Volunteer at Greencity Wholefoods: Greencity Wholefoods is always looking for volunteers to help with a variety of tasks.
  • Attend Greencity Wholefoods events: Greencity Wholefoods hosts a variety of events throughout the year. Attending an event is a great way to learn more about the co-operative and its work.
  • Spread the word about Greencity Wholefoods: Tell your friends, family, and colleagues about Greencity Wholefoods. The more people who know about the co-operative, the more successful it will be.


Greencity Wholefoods is a worker cooperative wholefoods wholesaler that is committed to providing its workers with a fair wage and a safe working environment. The co-operative also works to promote sustainable practices in the food industry. Greencity Wholefoods is a valuable resource for businesses and individuals who are looking for high-quality, ethically sourced wholefoods.

Find Us

23 Fleming St, Glasgow G31 1PQ, UK
0141 554 7633
When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.


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