Hackney Playbus

Hackney Playbus

Hackney Playbus is a small charity dedicated to bringing play opportunities and support to families who need it the most. They run a variety of services for families with children under five in East London. All their services are free to attend.

About Hackney Playbus

Hackney Playbus was founded in 1978 by a group of parents who were concerned about the lack of play opportunities for children in Hackney. The playbus was originally a converted double-decker bus that was used to take children to different parks and play areas in the borough.

Over the years, Hackney Playbus has grown and developed. They now have a fleet of three playbuses and they offer a range of services, including:

    • Play sessions: Hackney Playbus runs a variety of play sessions for children under five. These sessions are held in different locations in Hackney and they are free to attend.
Play sessions at Hackney Playbus
    • Family support: Hackney Playbus also offers a range of family support services. These services include parenting workshops, advice and information, and support groups.
Family support services at Hackney Playbus
    • Outreach work: Hackney Playbus also works with schools, community groups, and other organizations to deliver play and family support services.
Outreach work at Hackney Playbus

Hackney Playbus's Story

Hackney Playbus has been providing play and family support services to the people of Hackney for over 40 years. The playbus has been a lifeline for many families, providing a safe and fun space for children to play and learn.

Hackney Playbus is a registered charity and it is funded by a combination of grants, donations, and fees for some of its services. The playbus relies on the support of volunteers to keep it running.

Hackney Playbus's Events

Hackney Playbus hosts a number of events throughout the year, including:

    • Summer Playday: The Summer Playday is a free event that is held every summer. The event features a range of activities for children, including arts and crafts, games, and music.
Summer Playday at Hackney Playbus
    • Halloween Spooktacular at Hackney Playbus
    • Christmas Fayre: The Christmas Fayre is a free event that is held every December. The event features a range of stalls selling gifts and food, as well as a performance from Father Christmas.

How to get involved

There are many ways to get involved with Hackney Playbus. You can:

  • Volunteer: Hackney Playbus relies on the support of volunteers to keep it running. If you are interested in volunteering, you can contact the playbus on their website.
  • Donate: Hackney Playbus is a registered charity and it is funded by a combination of grants, donations, and fees for some of its services. If you would like to donate to Hackney Playbus, you can do so on their website.
  • Attend an event: Hackney Playbus hosts a number of events throughout the year. You can find a list of upcoming events on their website.

Find Us

8-9 Kingsmead Way, London E9 5QG, UK
020 8510 3335
When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.


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