Help Wildlife

Help Wildlife: Your One-Stop Shop for Assisting Wildlife in Need in UK

Have you ever encountered a sick, injured, or orphaned wild animal and wondered what to do? Look no further than, a fantastic resource dedicated to empowering individuals to help wildlife in the UK.

Help Wildlife was founded in 2005 to help members of the public who find wildlife casualties with advice and a directory of wildlife rescuers.

This website serves as a central hub for everything related to wildlife rescue and rehabilitation. Whether you're a concerned citizen facing a wildlife emergency or someone interested in learning more about protecting our furry and feathered neighbors, has something for you.

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Finding Help for Wildlife in Distress

One of the most valuable features of is their extensive directory of over 700 wildlife rescue organizations and individuals across the UK. Simply enter your location into the search bar, and the website will display a map and list of rescues in your area. Each listing provides vital information such as contact details, the types of wildlife the organization cares for, and their hours of operation.

Beyond the Directory: A Wealth of Information goes beyond just connecting you with wildlife rescuers. It offers a comprehensive library of over 60 informative articles. Here, you'll find practical advice on:

  • Identifying Signs of Distress: Learn how to recognize whether an animal truly needs help.
  • Capturing and Handling Wildlife: Discover safe and humane methods for capturing wild animals and keeping them contained until you can reach a rescue.
  • Providing Short-Term Care: Get tips on how to offer temporary care for injured or orphaned animals until they can be professionally assessed.
  • Transporting Animals to Rescue Centers: Understand the safest way to transport wildlife to a rescue facility.

This website also acknowledges the crucial role of knowledgeable volunteers, providing resources and guidance for those interested in getting involved with wildlife rehabilitation efforts.

Supporting is a vital resource for anyone who cares about wild animals in the UK. You can support their mission by:

  • Donating: Financial contributions help to maintain the website and ensure its continued availability.
  • Volunteering (if available): This website connects volunteers with wildlife rehabilitation organizations.
  • Spreading the Word: Share the website with your friends, family, and local communities to raise awareness about wildlife care.

By utilizing and getting involved in their efforts, you can play an active role in protecting the UK's amazing wildlife population.

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When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.


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