Kentish Mayde

Kentish Mayde

Kentish Mayde is a family-owned and operated company that was formed in 2001 to supply quality pastry products to the retail and wholesale market. Over the years they have created a wide range of Sweet & Savoury Pastry products including five different sizes of savoury pies, Pasties and Slices, high quality Sausage Rolls, speciality Pork Pies, steamed Suet Puddings and a wide selection of Fruit Pies.

The company is based in Biddenden, Kent, and all of their products are made with fresh, local ingredients. They use only the finest quality ingredients, and they take great care in the preparation of their products.

Kentish Mayde's products are popular with both locals and visitors alike. They are a popular choice for picnics, parties, and other events. The company also supplies their products to a number of high-profile restaurants and hotels. They are always happy to help their customers find the perfect product for their needs.

Here is a more detailed description of some of the products that Kentish Mayde offers:

  • Savoury Pies: Kentish Mayde offers a wide variety of savoury pies, including steak and kidney pie, chicken and mushroom pie, and vegetable pie. The pies are made with fresh, local ingredients and are baked to perfection.
  • Pasties: Kentish Mayde offers a variety of pasties, including steak and ale pasty, cheese and onion pasty, and vegetable pasty. The pasties are made with fresh, local ingredients and are baked to a golden brown.
  • Sausage Rolls: Kentish Mayde offers a variety of sausage rolls, including pork sausage roll, chicken sausage roll, and vegetarian sausage roll. The sausage rolls are made with fresh, local ingredients and are baked to a golden brown.
  • Pork Pies: Kentish Mayde offers a variety of pork pies, including traditional pork pie, steak and ale pork pie, and Cumberland sausage pork pie. The pork pies are made with fresh, local ingredients and are baked to a golden brown.
  • Suet Puddings: Kentish Mayde offers a variety of suet puddings, including steak and kidney suet pudding, chicken and mushroom suet pudding, and vegetable suet pudding. The suet puddings are made with fresh, local ingredients and are steamed to perfection.
  • Fruit Pies: Kentish Mayde offers a variety of fruit pies, including apple pie, cherry pie, and blackberry pie. The fruit pies are made with fresh, local ingredients and are baked to perfection.

Kentish Mayde is a great place to find delicious, homemade pastry products. The company is committed to providing their customers with the best possible products and service.

Find Us

Bell Ln, Biddenden, Ashford TN27 8LD, UK
01580 292914
When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.


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