La Via Campesina

La Via Campesina

La Via Campesina is an international movement bringing together millions of peasants, small and medium size farmers, landless people, rural women and youth, indigenous people, migrants and agricultural workers from around the world.

La Via Campesina is an international peasant movement that was founded in 1993. The movement has over 200 million members in 81 countries.

La Via Campesina logo

La Via Campesina is a grassroots movement that is made up of small-scale farmers, landless people, women farmers, indigenous people, and agricultural workers. The movement is committed to food sovereignty, which is the right of people to control their own food systems.

La Via Campesina has been at the forefront of the fight against the global food crisis. The movement has campaigned for fair prices for farmers, access to land, and the right to water. La Via Campesina has also been a vocal critic of the World Trade Organization and other international trade agreements.

La Via Campesina is a powerful force for change in the global food system. The movement is working to create a more just and sustainable food system that benefits all people.

Here are some of the key achievements of La Via Campesina:

  • In 2007, La Via Campesina led the global campaign against the G8 summit in Heiligendamm, Germany. The campaign was successful in raising awareness of the global food crisis and in pressuring the G8 to take action.
  • In 2008, La Via Campesina organized a global day of action against the World Trade Organization. The day of action was successful in disrupting the WTO's ministerial meeting in Geneva, Switzerland.
  • In 2010, La Via Campesina was a founding member of the International Planning Committee for Food Sovereignty (IPC). The IPC is a global network of organizations that are working to create a more just and sustainable food system.

La Via Campesina TV is a video platform that was launched in 2015 by the international peasant movement La Via Campesina. The platform aims to provide a space for peasants and other food sovereignty activists to share their stories and struggles.

La Via Campesina TV features a wide variety of content, including:

  • Videos: La Via Campesina TV features videos about the work of La Via Campesina and its member organizations. The videos cover a wide range of topics, including food sovereignty, climate change, and the rights of peasants.
  • Audio: La Via Campesina TV also features audio content, such as podcasts and radio shows. The audio content provides a deeper look at the issues that are important to La Via Campesina and its members.
  • Text: La Via Campesina TV also features text content, such as articles and blog posts. The text content provides a more in-depth analysis of the issues that are important to La Via Campesina and its members.

La Via Campesina TV is a valuable resource for anyone who is interested in learning more about food sovereignty and the rights of peasants. It provides a deeper look at the issues that are important to La Via Campesina and its members.

Here are some of the ways that you can use La Via Campesina TV:

  • Watch: You can watch videos, listen to audio, and read text content on La Via Campesina TV.
  • Learn: You can learn about food sovereignty, climate change, and the rights of peasants by watching videos, listening to audio, and reading text content on La Via Campesina TV.
  • Get involved: You can get involved in the fight for food sovereignty by watching videos, listening to audio, and reading text content on La Via Campesina TV.

La Via Campesina and their TV media station is a powerful tool for change. The platform is helping to raise awareness of the issues that are important to La Via Campesina and its members, and it is helping to build a movement for food sovereignty.

Find Us

5 Gloucester, Harare, Zimbabwe
+263 242 746 552
When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.


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