Lammas Eco Village

Lammas Eco Village

The Lammas Eco Village is a collective of eco-smallholdings working together to create and sustain a culture of land-based self-reliance. The project supports a permaculture approach to land management – in which human beings are considered an intrinsic part of the ecosystem. As a result our approach to environmental  management is one of stewardship for future generations rather than exploitation for short term gain.

Lammas Eco Village photos

The Lammas Eco Village aim is to demonstrate a thriving example of low-impact development, providing an educational resource pointing the way for truly sustainable rural developments of the future. The  land is being developed to improve the synergy of the different habitats across the site, simultaneously enhancing bio-diversity and leading to an increased but sustainable yield from the land.


The Lammas Eco Village has made significant contributions to the development of the ecosystem through:


  1. Ethical Sustainable Land Use: Demonstrating a model for low-impact development, showcasing alternative ways to manage land, and promoting eco-friendly practices.


  1. Biodiversity Enhancement: Improving synergy between habitats, increasing bio-diversity, and creating a thriving ecosystem.


  1. Educational Resource: Serving as a learning hub for sustainable rural development, sharing knowledge, and inspiring others to adopt eco-friendly practices.


  1. Environmental Stewardship: Protecting and enhancing natural resources, promoting eco-conscious living, and mitigating climate change.


  1. Community Building: Fostering a community that values sustainability, collaboration, and environmental responsibility.


To assist Lammas Eco Village and support their mission, others can:


  • Volunteer: Join their community and contribute to projects and initiatives.


  • Donate: Support their work financially, enabling them to continue developing and sharing sustainable practices.


  • Visit and Learn: Explore the ecovillage, participate in workshops, and gain knowledge about sustainable living.


  • Share and Promote: Spread awareness about Lammas Eco Village and its mission, inspiring others to adopt eco-friendly practices.


  • Collaborate and Partner: Work together on projects, share expertise, and build partnerships to amplify their impact.


By supporting Lammas Eco Village, individuals can contribute to the development of a more sustainable future, promote eco-friendly practices, and inspire positive change in their communities. Contact Us.

Find Us

Tir-y-Gafel, Glandwr, Whitland, SA34 0YD, United Kingdom
When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.


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