London Freedom Seed Bank

London Freedom Seed Bank: Seed Solidarity

The London Freedom Seed Bank is a network of food growers and gardeners dedicated to saving, storing and distributing open-pollinated seed. 

The VISION of the London Freedom Seed Bank:

1 – RAISING AWARENESS: Of the skills and importance of seed saving; of the issues and actions threatening our seed heritage

2 – RE-SKILLING: Providing training for urban food growers, gardeners and schools about growing, saving and storing organic seed; creating a community of Freedom Seed Savers, skilled in seed saving techniques

3 – PRESERVING: Creating a living seed bank for protecting and storing our Freedom Seeds: rare and unusual varieties, grown and saved in London

4 – SHARING and DISTRIBUTING: Sharing and distributing Freedom Seeds for free to all who want to grow food.


The London Freedom Seed Bank plays a crucial role in safeguarding the future of agriculture and the environment. Here are some key points highlighting the importance of their efforts and the current benefits:


  1. Biodiversity Preservation: By focusing on open-pollinated seeds, the Seed Bank actively contributes to maintaining and enhancing biodiversity. Preserving a wide variety of plant species ensures resilience in the face of environmental changes, pests, and diseases.


  1. Heirloom Variety Conservation: The Seed Bank's commitment to saving and distributing open-pollinated seeds helps protect heirloom varieties—plants that have been passed down through generations. This conservation effort is essential for maintaining unique flavors, characteristics, and cultural significance associated with traditional crops.


  1. Ethical Sustainable Agriculture: Open-pollinated seeds encourage sustainable agricultural practices. These seeds allow farmers and gardeners to save and replant, reducing dependence on commercial seed producers. This fosters a more sustainable and self-reliant approach to food production.


  1. Community Empowerment: The collaborative nature of the Seed Bank empowers local communities to actively participate in seed-saving practices. This involvement not only strengthens community bonds but also builds resilience against potential disruptions in the supply chain of commercially available seeds.


  1. Nature and Environment Adaptability: As weather patterns shift, having a diverse pool of open-pollinated seeds becomes crucial for adapting to new environmental conditions. Certain varieties may prove more resilient to changing climates, ensuring food security in the face of uncertainties.


  1. Educational Opportunities: The Seed Bank provides educational resources and opportunities for individuals to learn about seed saving, sustainable gardening practices, and the importance of biodiversity. This educational outreach fosters a deeper understanding of the interconnectedness between food, the environment, and community well-being.

The London Freedom Seed Bank's dedication to saving, storing, and distributing open-pollinated seeds is integral to building a sustainable and resilient future for agriculture. Their efforts not only preserve genetic diversity but also empower communities to take an active role in shaping a more sustainable and locally resilient food system.


The present functions of the London Freedom Seed Bank are poised to play a pivotal role in shaping the future of food. By contributing to several key aspects of sustainable agriculture and community well-being:


  1. Resilient Agriculture: The seed bank's focus on open-pollinated seeds ensures a diverse and resilient agricultural landscape. As climate change and environmental challenges escalate, the variety of seeds preserved will be crucial in developing crops that are resilient to shifting climates, pests, and diseases.


  1. Local Food Security: By actively involving local communities in seed-saving practices, the Seed Bank strengthens local food security. The ability to save, share, and replant open-pollinated seeds empowers communities to have greater control over their food sources, reducing dependence on external seed suppliers.


  1. Cultural Heritage Preservation: The conservation of heirloom varieties through the Seed Bank's efforts helps preserve cultural and historical aspects of agriculture. These unique varieties often carry stories, flavors, and characteristics that connect communities to their agricultural heritage, fostering a sense of identity and pride.


  1. Ethical Sustainable Practices Adoption: The Seed Bank serves as a catalyst for the adoption of sustainable agricultural practices. By promoting open-pollinated seeds, the initiative encourages farmers and gardeners to embrace environmentally conscious farming methods, reducing reliance on chemical inputs and promoting long-term soil health.


  1. Educational Initiatives: The educational resources provided by the Seed Bank contribute to a greater understanding of sustainable agriculture. As more individuals learn about seed-saving techniques and the importance of biodiversity, a growing community of informed practitioners will emerge, further advancing sustainable food production practices.


  1. Community Engagement and Collaboration: The collaborative nature of the Seed Bank fosters community engagement and collaboration. As local communities actively participate in seed-saving activities, a network of knowledge and resources is created, ensuring that the benefits of sustainable agriculture are shared and expanded.


  1. Adaptation to Changing Demands: The diverse collection of open-pollinated seeds held by the Seed Bank positions communities to adapt to changing dietary preferences, market demands, and environmental conditions. This adaptability is crucial for ensuring that local agriculture remains relevant and resilient in the face of evolving challenges.


In essence, the London Freedom Seed Bank's present functions form a foundation for a sustainable and resilient future of food. Through the preservation of genetic diversity, promotion of sustainable practices, and community empowerment, the Seed Bank contributes to building a more robust and equitable food system for generations to come.

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London, UK
When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.


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