Maggie Oliver Foundation

Maggie Oliver Foundation

Maggie Oliver was born in 1955 in Manchester, England. She joined the Greater Manchester Police in 1983 and worked as a detective for over 20 years. In 2012, she was assigned to investigate the Rochdale grooming scandal, in which a group of men had been abusing young girls for over a decade. Maggie was appalled by the police's handling of the case, and she resigned in protest in 2012.

After leaving the police, Maggie became a vocal campaigner for victims of child sexual exploitation. She spoke out about the failures of the police and other institutions to protect children, and she called for a change in the way that child sexual abuse is dealt with. She also wrote a book about her experiences, called "Breaking the Silence: My Story of the Rochdale Grooming Scandal."

In 2016, Maggie founded the Maggie Oliver Foundation, a charity that provides support to survivors of child sexual abuse and exploitation. The foundation offers a range of services to survivors, including a helpline, one-to-one support, group therapy, training for professionals, and advocacy. The foundation also works to raise awareness of child sexual abuse and exploitation, and to campaign for change.

Maggie Oliver is a passionate advocate for survivors of child sexual abuse and exploitation. She has spoken out about the failures of the police and other institutions to protect children, and she has called for a change in the way that child sexual abuse is dealt with. She is a role model for survivors, and she is an inspiration to those who are working to make the world a safer place for children.

The Maggie Oliver Foundation is a valuable resource for survivors of child sexual abuse and exploitation. The foundation provides support, advocacy, and education to help survivors to heal and to rebuild their lives. The foundation is also working to make the world a safer place for children by raising awareness of child sexual abuse and exploitation and by campaigning for change.

Here are some of the specific services that the Maggie Oliver Foundation offers:

  • A helpline: The helpline number is 0800 023 2646 and is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Survivors can call the helpline to talk to a trained counselor about their experiences. The helpline
  • One-to-one support: Survivors can also receive one-to-one support from a trained counselor. This support can help survivors to process their experiences, to develop coping strategies, and to rebuild their lives.
  • Group therapy: The Maggie Oliver Foundation also offers group therapy for survivors. Group therapy can provide a safe space for survivors to share their experiences, to learn from each other, and to provide support to each other.
  • Training for professionals: The Maggie Oliver Foundation also offers training for professionals who work with survivors of child sexual abuse and exploitation. This training can help professionals to better understand the needs of survivors and to provide them with the best possible support.
  • Advocacy: The Maggie Oliver Foundation also provides advocacy for survivors. This advocacy can help survivors to access the services that they need, to get justice, and to make their voices heard.

The Maggie Oliver Foundation is a valuable resource for survivors of child sexual abuse and exploitation. The foundation provides support, advocacy, and education to help survivors to heal and to rebuild their lives. The foundation is also working to make the world a safer place for children by raising awareness of child sexual abuse and exploitation and by campaigning for change.

Find Us

1 Market St, Middleton, Manchester M24 5TX, UK
0800 023 2646
When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.


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