Six Inches of Soil

Six Inches of Soil

Six Inches of Soil is a feature-length documentary film about regenerative farming and agroecology in the UK. The film is a collaborative initiative and follows the stories of three new entrant regenerative farmers: a market gardener, a father-daughter arable farming team, and a conservation grazing project. The film explores the challenges and opportunities of regenerative farming, and argues that it is a necessary solution to the climate and ecological crisis.

The film was directed by Charlie Russell and produced by Sarah Wakeman. It was made with the support of the Arts Council England, the BFI, and the Lush Spring Prize. Six Inches of Soil, in collaboration with the Nature Farming Friendly Network is scheduled for release in 2023.

The film has been praised for its timely message and its beautiful cinematography. It has won several awards, including the Lush Spring Prize and the Sheffield Doc/Fest Audience Award. Six Inches of Soil is a powerful and inspiring film that is sure to spark a conversation about the future of food and farming.

Here are some of the key features of the Six Inches of Soil film:

Six Inches of Soil banner image on the peoples hub, regenerative agriculture, nature farming, soil, food, life

  • It is a feature-length documentary film.
  • It is about regenerative farming and agroecology in the UK.
  • It follows the stories of three new entrant regenerative farmers.
  • It explores the challenges and opportunities of regenerative farming.
  • It argues that regenerative farming is a necessary solution to the climate and ecological crisis.
  • It was directed by Charlie Russell and produced by Sarah Wakeman.
  • It was made with the support of the Arts Council England, the BFI, and the Lush Spring Prize.
  • It is scheduled for release in 2023.

If you are interested in learning more about regenerative farming and agroecology, or if you are simply looking for a thought-provoking and inspiring film to watch, we highly recommend checking out Six Inches of Soil.


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  • The power of film: Film has the power to educate, inspire, and motivate people to take action. It can also be used to raise awareness about important issues, such as the need for ethical sustainable agriculture.
  • The seeds of Vandana Shiva: Vandana Shiva is a renowned Indian environmental activist and food sovereignty advocate. She has been a vocal critic of the Green Revolution, which she believes has led to the destruction of traditional farming practices and the degradation of the environment. Shiva has also been a champion of the seed, and she has worked to protect the rights of farmers to save, share, and sell their own seeds.
  • The agriculture movement: The agriculture movement is a global movement of farmers, activists, and scientists who are working to create a more sustainable and equitable food system. The movement is committed to promoting agroecology, which is a system of farming that works with nature to produce healthy food and regenerate the environment.

These are just a few of the many ways that films such as Six Inches of Soil, The Seeds of Vandana Shiva, can help the agriculture movement to create a more sustainable and equitable food system.

Here are some specific examples of how film has been used to promote sustainable agriculture:

  • The film Food, Inc. (2008) exposed the dark side of industrial agriculture, and it sparked a national conversation about the need for change.
  • The film The Biggest Little Farm (2018) told the story of a couple who transformed their barren land into a thriving farm using sustainable practices.
  • The film Kiss the Ground (2020) explained the science behind soil regeneration, and it inspired viewers to take action to protect the earth.

These films have all played a role in raising awareness about the need for sustainable agriculture. They have also inspired people to get involved in the movement to create a more sustainable food system.

Vandana Shiva has also used her platform to promote sustainable agriculture. She has written several books on the subject, and she has given countless speeches and lectures. Shiva has also worked with farmers around the world to help them adopt sustainable practices.

The agriculture movement is a growing movement of farmers, activists, and scientists who are working to create a more sustainable and equitable food system. The movement is committed to promoting agroecology, which is a system of farming that works with nature to produce healthy food and regenerate the environment.

The agriculture movement is making progress, but there is still a long way to go. We need to continue to educate people about the importance of sustainable agriculture, and we need to support farmers who are working to adopt sustainable practices. We also need to change the policies that support industrial agriculture and make it more difficult for farmers to adopt sustainable practices.

The future of food depends on our ability to create a more sustainable food system. We can do this by using the power of film, the Seeds of Vandana Shiva, Six Inches of Soil and the agriculture movement to raise awareness and inspire action.

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When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.


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