The Noah Donohoe Foundation

The Noah Donohoe Foundation


On June 21, 2020, 14-year-old Noah Donohoe went missing after going for a bike ride in Belfast, Northern Ireland. His body was found in a storm drain five days later. The cause of death was a head injury, but the circumstances surrounding his death remain a mystery.

Noah's family and friends were devastated by his death. They set up the Justice for Noah campaign to seek answers about what happened to him. The campaign has raised awareness of the case and has helped to bring together the community in support of Noah's family.


The mission of Justice for Noah is to seek justice for Noah Donohoe and to ensure that no other child goes through what he went through. The campaign is working to raise awareness of the case, to support Noah's family, and to demand answers from the authorities.

Products and Services

Justice for Noah offers a variety of products and services to support its mission. These include:

  • A website that provides information about the case and the campaign
  • A social media presence that is used to raise awareness of the case and to connect with supporters
  • A fundraising campaign that is used to support Noah's family and to support the work of the campaign
  • A network of volunteers who are working to support the campaign


Justice for Noah organizes a variety of events to raise awareness of the case and to support its mission. These include:

  • Vigils and protests
  • Fundraising events
  • Community events


Justice for Noah has had a significant impact on the case of Noah Donohoe. The campaign has raised awareness of the case, it has helped to bring together the community in support of Noah's family, and it has demanded answers from the authorities. The campaign is continuing to work to seek justice for Noah Donohoe and to ensure that no other child goes through what he went through.

How to Get Involved

There are many ways to get involved in the Justice for Noah campaign. You can:

  • Visit the website to learn more about the case and the campaign
  • Follow the campaign on social media
  • Donate to the fundraising campaign
  • Volunteer your time to support the campaign

Every little bit helps. By getting involved, you can help to bring justice for Noah Donohoe and to ensure that no other child goes through what he went through.


The Justice for Noah campaign is a powerful force for good. The campaign is working to seek justice for Noah Donohoe and to ensure that no other child goes through what he went through. The campaign has had a significant impact on the case and it is continuing to work to make a difference.

Find Us

Belfast, UK
When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.


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