Veterans Tribe

Veterans Tribe


Veterans Tribe is a UK-based organization that provides creative and wellbeing activities for veterans and their families. The organization was founded in 2018 by Kevin Hartley, a former Royal Marine who struggled with his mental health after leaving the military. Hartley wanted to create an organization that would help other veterans to cope with their mental health challenges through creative expression.


The mission of Veterans Tribe is to "support veterans and their families to live fulfilling lives through creative expression." The organization believes that creative expression can be a powerful tool for healing and for building community.

Veterans Tribe offers a variety of creative and wellbeing activities, including:

  • Art workshops
  • Music workshops
  • Writing workshops
  • Bushcraft workshops
  • Social events

Products and Services

Veterans Tribe offers a variety of products and services to support its mission. These include:

  • A website that provides information about the organization and its activities
  • A social media presence that is used to connect with veterans and their families
  • A newsletter that is sent out to members
  • A fundraising campaign that is used to support the organization's work
  • A network of volunteers who are working to support the organization


Veterans Tribe organizes a variety of events throughout the year, including:

  • Creative workshops
  • Wellbeing events
  • Social events


Veterans Tribe has had a significant impact on the lives of veterans and their families. The organization has helped veterans to cope with their mental health challenges, to build community, and to find a sense of purpose. Veterans Tribe has also helped to raise awareness of the issues that veterans face.


Veterans Tribe is a powerful force for good. The organization is working to support veterans and their families to live fulfilling lives through creative expression. Veterans Tribe has had a significant impact on the lives of veterans and their families and it is continuing to work to make a difference.

Find Us

11 Roaches Mews, Mossley, Ashton-under-Lyne OL5 9AX, UK
When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.


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