Worker Rights Consortium

Worker Rights Consortium

The Worker Rights Consortium (WRC) is an independent labor rights monitoring organization, conducting investigations of working conditions in factories around the globe. Their purpose is to combat sweatshops and protect the rights of workers who make apparel and other products.

The WRC conducts independent, in-depth investigations; issues public reports on factories producing for major brands; and aids workers at these factories in their efforts to end labor abuses and defend their workplace rights. The WRC was founded in April 2000 by university administrators, students, and international labor rights experts. The WRC was created to assist universities with the enforcement of their labor rights codes of conduct, which were adopted to protect the rights of workers producing apparel and footwear for universities and colleges in the United States. They work closely with students, labor unions, and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to monitor factory conditions, document labor rights abuses, and advocate for improvements in the global supply chain. 

The organization focuses on issues such as fair wages, safe working conditions, reasonable working hours, freedom of association, and protection against discrimination and harassment in the workplace. By investigating and exposing labor rights violations, the WRC aims to hold brands and factories accountable for their practices.

The Worker's Rights Consortium impact:

The WRC's impact is significant as it has contributed to improving labor conditions in the garment and footwear industry. By shining a light on labor rights abuses and conducting thorough investigations, the WRC has put pressure on brands and manufacturers to address the issues identified in their supply chains. This has led to improvements in working conditions, wage increases, and greater awareness of labor rights among consumers and university communities.

Additionally, the WRC's collaboration with universities and colleges has led to the adoption of more responsible and ethical purchasing practices. Many educational institutions now require their apparel and footwear suppliers to comply with labor standards established by the WRC, which has contributed to positive changes in the industry.

How to support them

Supporting the Workers Rights Consortium and their mission can be done in several ways:

  1. Donations: You can make monetary contributions to the WRC to support their investigations, advocacy efforts, and capacity to address labor rights violations effectively.
  2. Raise Awareness: Spread the word about the WRC's work and the importance of labor rights in the apparel and footwear industry. Share information about the organization on social media and engage in discussions about ethical consumerism.
  3. Advocacy: Encourage your university or college to join the WRC's affiliate program, where schools commit to purchasing apparel from factories that respect workers' rights. You can also urge brands and companies you purchase from to join the WRC's efforts and adopt fair labor practices.
  4. Ethical Consumerism: Support companies that are WRC affiliates or have transparent and responsible supply chains. Look for apparel and footwear with ethical certifications or labels.
  5. Volunteer: Inquire about volunteer opportunities with the WRC or other labor rights organizations. Your skills and time can be valuable in supporting their initiatives.

Remember that supporting organizations like the Workers Rights Consortium contributes to the collective effort to ensure that workers' rights are respected and protected throughout the global supply chain.

Find Us

1990 K St NW Suite 410, Washington, DC 20006, USA
(202) 387-4884
When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.


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