Dr. LeeAnn Teal-Rutkovsky

“Sustainable Fashion has become a Bastardized version of what it was intended to be.”

Teal-Rutkovsky, Dr LeeAnn [2019]
Teal-Rutkovsky, Dr LeeAnn [2023]
  • Founder, President and CEO of IMPACT FASHION HUB a 501 (c) (3) ‘Gifting back to the planet‘. 
  • Globally recognized Bespoke Sustainable Designer-Hat Maker-Milliner. 
  • Inspired by tenure as CEO-President Naifa Maruf Foundation and based on interviews of women globally living in the periphery of the fashion industry supply chains, Wrote & Produced Micro-Documentary, “Making the Case for A Sustainable Fashion Accelerator: IMPACTable FASHION.
  • Creator of compostable-upcycled hats, eco-ethical apparel & wraps
  • Fashion Professor/Author: Lifestyle book “Passion for a Quickie” (Importance of enjoying the little things in life).
  • Successful History of converting CAD designs to .STL files Implementing 3-D printing into design.
  • Successful Scoby vegan Implementation of Scoby as a leather alternative which can be grown to size, enrich the earth at end of cycle.
  • Conference Papers on topics from Cotton, Fashion Slavery , Culture and Fashion, et al to Chanel & Shiaparelli.
  • International Sustainable Fashion/Keynote Speaker.
  • Fashion Scholar Mentor … The London College of Fashion, LIM College, NYC , Adjunct & Capstone Professor at LIM College as well as monitoring internships at La Garconne, Calvin Klein, Kenneth Kole, Balenciaga, O the Oprah Magazine, Harper’s Bazaar, IDIEL Showroom, Moddern Marketing, Haute Talk, Suno-Global, KOMAR, Jimmy Choo, Barney’s, Henri Bendel, Rebecca Taylor, Miram-Salat, Nautica, John Varvatos, Ralph Lauren et al
  • Guest Lecturer in Sustainable Fashion, FIT (Fashion Institute of Technology) NYC. 
  • Time spent learning her millinery sustainable design and production expertise in Switzerland and Italy were well spent and serves as a catalyst to her sustainable processes.
  • Invited guest by Yves Saint-Laurent to private party launch for fragrance CHAMPAGNE. YSL rented out the statue of Liberty Island for the by invitation only event.   
  • Former Subject Matter Expert McGraw-Hill Publishing.
  • Serves on many international sustainable advisory boards to include the 2013 keynote, Indira Gandhi Institute for Development Research, ISSF, Mumbai & served as contributing editor of Savitarka/NEEF (National Ecology & Environment Foundation) an environmental NGO, Mumbai/ International Advisory Board for GSFW, Global Sustainable Fashion Week, supported by the National Fashion League of Hungary, Lifestyle For Food Sustainable Living Magazine et al… 
  • Bespoke designs photographed by Victoria Magazine, Hartford Courant, Baltimore Sun, The Capital Gazette, numerous publications, produced designs for French shops, featured on NBC, Comcast Cable, Foxwoods MGM Grand Casino, Commissioned hat exhibitions @ Ritz Carlton and prestigious Lyman Allyn Art Museum
  • A-list clients include members of the Danish Parliament, Fortune 500 CEO’s, Hollywood and Broadway actresses, National Geographic Photojournalist/Explorers such as Lynn Abercrombie.
  • Former producer Lifestyle cable television show, Just Off Mainstreet highlighting organic infusion into key lifestyle moments. Addressing greenwashing in the Cotton Industry through scholar publications. Invited to speak at the Senate.
  • As the designer for the Off-Broadway Show, ‘Unbeatable’ she, worked with 5-time Emmy Award Costumer John Schneeman who did Meryl Streep’s wardrobe in Devil Wears Prada, and John Travolta in Hairspray to develop the wardrobe. Invited by the Press Office to cover White House Holiday event with the International Press Corp. L.A. holds a B.Sc. Education, M.Sc. Management, D.B.A. International Business Apparel Supply Chains.
When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.


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