Library of Things Ireland

Library of Things are a growing trend in both the UK and Ireland. These collections of physical objects allow people to borrow instead of buy, which can help to reduce waste and encourage sharing.

There are now over 20 Library of Things in Ireland, and the number is growing rapidly. Libraries of Things are located in a variety of settings, including libraries, community centers, and even schools.

The most popular items at Libraries of Things are tools and equipment, followed by games and toys. Library of Things are most popular in urban areas, but they are also starting to become more common in rural areas.

Libraries of Things are often funded by grants or donations, and they are staffed by volunteers.

Community Spirit

Community spirit is a strong tradition in Ireland. People are often willing to help out their neighbors and their community. This is evident in the many community-based organizations that exist in Ireland, such as sports clubs, volunteer groups, and community centers.

Community spirit is important for a number of reasons. It can help to build a sense of belonging and community, it can provide support and resources to those in need, and it can help to make a community a more enjoyable place to live.

There are many ways to get involved in community spirit in Ireland. You can volunteer your time to a local organization, donate to a worthy cause, or simply get to know your neighbors.

The Benefits of Library of Things and Community Spirit in Ireland

Library of Things and community spirit have a number of benefits, including:

  • Reduced waste: When people borrow instead of buy, they reduce the amount of waste that is produced.
  • Encouraged sharing: Libraries of Things and community spirit encourage people to share resources, which can help to build community and reduce costs.
  • Access to new things: Libraries of Things and community spirit give people access to new things that they might not otherwise be able to afford or have space for.
  • Increased sense of belonging: Libraries of Things and community spirit can help people feel more connected to their community and their neighbors.
  • Reduced social isolation: Libraries of Things and community spirit can help people connect with others and reduce social isolation.
  • Improved mental and physical health: Libraries of Things and community spirit can help improve mental and physical health by providing opportunities for social interaction, exercise, and relaxation.
Ideas for a Dublin Library of Things

Library of Things communities in Ireland:

  • Dublin Tool Library: This library has a wide variety of tools and equipment available for loan, including power tools, hand tools, and gardening tools.
  • Library of Things, Galway: This library has a collection of items that can be borrowed for free, including sewing machines, musical instruments, and camping gear.
  • Limerick Library of Things: This library has a collection of items that can be borrowed for free, including tools, musical instruments, and camping gear.
  • Cork City Library of Things: This library has a collection of items that can be borrowed for free, including tools, musical instruments, and camping gear.
  • Wexford Library of Things: This library has a collection of items that can be borrowed for free, including tools, musical instruments, and camping gear.
  • Belfast Tool Library: This library has a collection of items such as DIY equipment and tools.
  • Kilkenny Library of Things: This library has a collection of items that can be borrowed for free, including tools, musical instruments, and camping gear.
  • Waterford Library of Things: This library has a collection of items that can be borrowed for free, including tools, musical instruments, and camping gear.
  • Dundalk Library of Things: This library has a collection of items that can be borrowed for free, including tools, musical instruments, and camping gear.

This is just a small sample of the many Libraries of Things that are available in Ireland. If you are interested in finding a Library of Things near you, you can search online or contact your local library or community center.


Libraries of Things and community spirit are two important trends in Ireland. They offer a number of benefits, including reduced waste, encouraged sharing, access to new things, increased sense of belonging, reduced social isolation, and improved mental and physical health. If you are looking for ways to be more sustainable, save money, and connect with your community, consider using a Library of Things or getting involved in community spirit.

When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.


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