The Library of Things

Poster by Terra Dankowski illustrated by Brian Mead image
The Library of Things poster by Terra Dankowski illustrated by Brian Mead - Zoom in

What is a Library of Things?

It is a collection of physical objects that people can borrow instead of buying. This can include anything from tools and equipment to games and toys. The goal of it is to reduce waste and encourage people to share resources.

Kendallville Public Library, Indiana – Snow shovel and homewares – Photo credit: Paula Newcom, Northeast regional coordinator photo
Kendallville Public Library, Indiana – Snow shovel and homewares – Photo credit: Paula Newcom, Northeast regional coordinator

A Little Bit of History

The first official Library of Things as a brand was founded in 2009 in Copenhagen, Denmark. Called the "Borrow Station". Created by a group of artists and designers. The Borrow Station was a success and it inspired other communities to start their own Libraries of Things.

You will find this movement in many parts of the world. In over 20 countries, including the USA, Nigeria, Uganda, UK, Spain and Ireland. The concept dates back in many cultures' history [Tool Libraries].

Seattle is home to an old operating tool library set up in the 1970s that began with some University of Washington students wanting to clear out their dorm rooms!

In 2012, the first official 'Library of Things' in the United States was founded near to Seattle. In Portland, Oregon. Called the "Portland Tool Library". It was created by a group of community activists. It was a success and it inspired other communities to start their own Libraries of Things.

There are now over 100 Libraries of Things in the United States, and the number is growing rapidly.

"Libraries loaning “stuff” isn’t a new concept. Framed paintings were available for checkout at the Newark (N.J.) Public Library back in 1904. “Libraries were sharing before sharing was cool.

Director of the American Library Association’s Center for the Future of Libraries

Types of Libraries of Things

There are many different types of Libraries of Things. Some run by libraries. Others run by community organizations or businesses. Some Libraries of Things focus on a specific type of object, like tools or musical instruments. Others have a wider range of objects.

Benefits of Library of Things

There are many benefits for using these including:

**Reduced waste:** When people borrow instead of buy, they reduce the amount of waste that is produced.
**Encouraged sharing:** Libraries of Things encourage people to share resources. This can help to build community and reduce costs. The power of connection can help communities to build ethically.
**Access to new things:** Libraries of Things give people access to new things.

How to find a Library of Things in the USA

We have listed some here below. You can search online, contact your local library, or ask your community organization.

  • Ann Arbor District Library, MI: This library has a wide variety of items available for loan, including tools, musical instruments, and camping gear.
Ann Arbor District Library in MI Library of Things, photo of a table with toys
Ann Arbor District Library in MI Library of Things

Brooklyn Public Library, NY: Collection of tools and equipment borrowed for free.

City of Hope Library of Things, CA: Medical equipment borrowed for free. By patients and their families.

Durham Tool Library, NC: Collection of tools and equipment borrowed for free.

Emerald City Libraries, WA: Collection of tools and equipment borrowed for free.

Interfaith Community Services, MA: Collection of tools and equipment borrowed for free by low-income families.

Little Free Library, USA: This organization has a network of over 90,000 Little Free Libraries located in communities all over the USA. These libraries are free to use and they offer a variety of books, magazines, and other materials.

Free Little Library USA photo
Little Free Library USA - Library of Things

Portland Tool Library, OR: Collection of tools and equipment borrowed for free.

Recommended Reading Library, PA: Has a collection of books, magazines, and other materials borrowed for free.

San Francisco Public Library, CA: Collection of tools and equipment borrowed for free.

Seattle Tool Library, WA: Has a collection of tools and equipment borrowed for free.

Trinity Tool Library, CT: This library has a collection of tools and equipment borrowed for free.

University of California, Berkeley, CA: This university has a collection of tools and equipment borrowed for free by students, staff, and faculty.

University of Washington, WA: This university has a collection of tools and equipment borrowed for free by students, staff, and faculty.

This is just a small sample of the many Libraries of Things that are available in the USA.


Libraries of Things are a great way to reduce waste, encourage sharing, and access new things. If you are looking for a way to be more ethical, sustainable and to save money, consider using a Library of Things.

Here are some additional details about the movement in the USA:

  • The Library of Things movement is growing rapidly in the USA. In the past few years, there has been a surge in the number of Libraries of Things opening up across the country. This is due in part to the growing awareness of the environmental and enterprising financial benefits of sharing resources, and instead of it dividing the people, it brings people together whatever political persuasion.
  • Libraries of Things are not just for libraries anymore. In addition to traditional libraries, many other types of organizations are now offering these services. This includes community centers, businesses, and even schools.
  • The types of items available at Libraries of Things are also expanding. In addition to traditional tools and equipment, many Libraries of Things now offer a wide variety of other items, such as musical instruments, camping gear, and even party supplies.
  • The movement is a great example of how people are coming together to find more sustainable and affordable ways to live. By sharing resources, we can all reduce our impact on the environment, save money and help our community thrive.
When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.


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