October 12, 2024

Easyfundraising Turn Spending into Seeds

Turn Your Everyday Spending into Seeds of Change: How Easyfundraising Helps The People's Hub Grow Food Security

At The People's Hub, we're passionate about empowering communities around the world to grow their own food. We believe access to fresh, healthy produce is a fundamental right, and through our projects, we equip children and families with the knowledge and resources to become self-sufficient.

@ThePeoplesHubUK Tweet [Feb 2023]

But how can you, living miles away, contribute to this mission? Did you know that your everyday spending can actually make a big difference?

Here's where Easyfundraising comes in! This amazing platform allows you to support The People's Hub simply by shopping online or booking travel! Partnering with Easyfundraising is a win-win situation: you get the things you need and want, while also helping us provide seeds, tools, and educational resources to communities in need.

How Does Easyfundraising Work?

  1. Sign Up: Visit the Easyfundraising page for The People's Hub and create a free account.
  2. Shop Through Easyfundraising: Next time you're shopping online, head to the Easyfundraising website first. They have partnerships with thousands of retailers, from major supermarkets like Tesco and Waitrose to clothing brands like M&S and travel agents like Booking.com. Simply search for the store you want to shop at, click through Easyfundraising, and make your purchase as usual.
  3. Easyfundraising Donates: The retailer will then donate a small percentage of your purchase to The People's Hub, at no extra cost to you!
Easyfundraising Turn Spending into Seeds. Cause Page Qr Code The Peoples Hub
The Peoples Hub Easyfundraising QR Code

Easyfundraising Turn Spending into Seeds Every Penny Counts!

Think it's just a small contribution? Think again! Even a few pennies here and there can add up significantly. Imagine thousands of people shopping through Easyfundraising – it can make a real difference. These donations can help us purchase seeds, tools, and educational materials to empower communities to grow their own food.

More Than Just Shopping

Easyfundraising isn't limited to online shopping. You can also support The People's Hub when you book a vacation, buy insurance, or even compare energy providers. It's a simple way to turn everyday activities into acts of support.

Together We Can Grow Change

By joining The People's Hub on Easyfundraising, you're not just contributing to a charity; you're investing in a future where communities have the knowledge and resources to thrive. You're helping children learn valuable life skills while ensuring access to healthy, sustainable food sources.

So join us today! Sign up on Easyfundraising and start turning your everyday spending into a force for good. Together, we can create a world where everyone has the opportunity to grow and nourish themselves.

Visit EasyFundraising for The Peoples Hub to join the movement!

When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.


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