October 7, 2024

School Gardens STEM Education

At The People's Hub, we believe in fostering healthy communities that empower individuals. This perfectly aligns with the vision of the STEM Garden Initiative and their School Gardens STEM Education programme, whose projects like 10:10:10 address the critical issue of childhood hunger in schools.

The STEM Garden Initiative's school gardens are more than just spaces for growing food. They are powerful tools for fostering a new generation of empowered individuals, especially young women. Led by Mary Ameh, this programme tackles health and education in a positive way, empowering young people to take action for themselves.

By engaging in hands-on gardening, students learn valuable life skills, including problem-solving, critical thinking, and perseverance. These skills are essential for success in education and beyond. Moreover, school gardens can inspire a love of nature and a sense of environmental stewardship.

School Gardens STEM Education programme
STEM GARDEN INITIATIVE LinkedIn [October 2024]

The Challenge:

Many children attend school with rumbling stomachs, hindering their ability to focus and learn. The School Gardens STEM Education Initiative tackles this issue head-on by providing schools with the resources to establish flourishing school gardens.

How School Gardens STEM Education Works:

  • Empowering Learners: Students are equipped with the knowledge and skills to grow their own food. This fosters a sense of accomplishment, connection to nature, and empowers them to contribute to their well-being.
  • Nourishing Bodies: School gardens become a source of fresh, nutritious produce, combating hunger and ensuring students have the fuel they need to thrive in the classroom.
  • STEM Learning Hub: These gardens double as living laboratories for teaching STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) subjects in a real-world context.

The STEM Garden Initiative's work aligns with the inspiring mission of Ada's Army, which aims to empower women in STEM fields. By creating opportunities for young people to explore science, technology, engineering, and mathematics through gardening, we are nurturing the next generation of innovators and leaders.

Learn More & Get Involved:

To learn more about the STEM Garden Initiative and their incredible projects like 10:10:10, visit our dedicated page.

Call to Action!

Does your school in Ogun State want to participate? The School Gardens STEM Education Initiative offers incredible opportunities for schools.

Together, let's cultivate a future where no child goes hungry. Where every child has the opportunity to learn, grow, and become a thriving member of our community.

Help us grow – so no child goes hungry!

When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.


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