January 25, 2023

Community Planning Alliance - Two Webinars

Community Planning Alliance

1. Considering a Judicial Review?

5.30pm 2 March.  Click here to book.
This webinar will give an overview of considerations if you, or your campaign group, is considering a Judicial Review (JR)

2. Developer viability - how to challenge

5.30pm 21 March.  Click here to book.
Developer claims about what affordable housing & infrastructure they can and can't provide need to be scrutinised. Join us to learn how!

NPPF consultation & webinar

Please don't forget the Community Planning Alliance also have an NPPF webinar on 7 February at 5.30pm to discuss the proposed changes.   

Click here to book tickets. 

They have created a blank template with all of the consultation questions so that you can save it & share with your own groups for ease of creating your submission.   

(You will then have to copy the questions over to the Government portal unless you are choosing to submit an email).

You can find the Government description of changes here, and the NPPF with tracked changes here.

Judicial Review Webinar Details

5.30pm 2 March.  Click here to book.

Karen Phull, a partner in the Farrer & Co Planning and Environment team, will give us an overview of a Judicial Review (JR) of a Council’s decision to grant planning permission.

The webinar will include:

• Grounds for JR including case law

• Minimising cost exposure

• Time limits, pre-action letters and the process in the High Court

• How objectors can engage effectively in the planning application process

• What happens if your JR succeeds

About Karen

Karen's expertise in planning and environment sees her acting for developers, landowners and objectors. Her experience working for a local planning authority gives her a unique perspective. She works closely with most practice areas across the firm and has experience of contentious matters including judicial review and public inquiries. She is dual qualified in New York.

She has extensive experience of acting for third parties concerned by the impact of a proposed development, including judicial review proceedings. She is accustomed to quickly interpreting development proposals and submitting objections to planning and listed building applications. Her contentious experience also includes public inquiry work such as planning appeals and traffic order schemes.

Karen has acted for third parties affected by compulsory purchase orders, including HS2 and TfL schemes. She works closely with specialist counsel and CPO surveyors.

Karen also acts for a number of developers and has advised on the community infrastructure levy, local plans, section 106 agreements and related infrastructure, development and promotion agreements.

Having worked for a local planning authority Karen is familiar with the approach of authorities to planning enforcement action, including listed buildings. She regularly acts for clients affected by breaches of planning control and co-ordinates effectively with planning and heritage consultants to achieve a resolution.

Developer Viability - How To Challenge Webinar Details

Developer claims about what affordable housing & infrastructure they can and can't provide need to be scrutinised. Join the event to learn how!

Viability in development proposals – let’s level the playing field!

We are all familiar with stories of developers claiming that their development is not able to provide promised infrastructure or affordable housing, using 'viability' as the excuse. Communities lose out: the housing is built, but without the benefits promised at the outset. Please join us to find out about one of the least understood areas of planning: viability appraisals.

This is one of the most important webinars to attend to if we are to redress the balance in the system between developers (who deliberately ensure the system is complex), and communities/councils (who need to scrutinize proposals to ensure best outcomes are delivered.)

We are delighted that viability expert Murray Lloyd has agreed to talk to us and to answer your questions. He will tell us how developers game the system (and they most definitely do) and what the tricks of the trade are. Murray will demystify viability appraisals and tell us what we can challenge and how best to do it.

About Murray

Murray is an experienced property professional with a 30-year track record of successfully helping to deliver development projects of all types across the UK, ranging from housing, leisure, and logistic parks, through to major commercial and residential mixed-use developments, to complex regeneration schemes and transformational integrated development ventures.

Murray focuses on providing bespoke development management and viability advice to Local Authorities. He is a leading practitioner in viability and is currently undertaking a PhD specialising in this subject matter and regularly acts as an expert witness in planning appeal cases. He is a Director with property consultancy Continuum DM.

As always, the events are free, however donations are appreciated to help with the running costs of the Community Planning Alliance. Thank you

When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.


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