Audrey Hepburn

Audrey Hepburn was a Belgian-born actress who became a Hollywood icon in the 1950s and 1960s, and a world famous humanitarian before her passing in 1993 in Switzerland.

Early life

Audrey Hepburn was born Audrey Kathleen Ruston on May 4, 1929, in Ixelles, Brussels, Belgium. She was the only child of Joseph Victor Anthony Ruston, a British banker, and Ella van Heemstra, a Dutch baroness. Her parents divorced when she was six years old and as a result, Audrey was raised by her mother and her mother's parents.

Hepburn spent her childhood in Belgium, England, and the Netherlands. She was a shy and introverted child, and she often struggled with her weight. Audrey Hepburn suffered from malnutrition during World War II due to the Nazi occupation of the Netherlands.

Acting career

After the war, Hepburn began studying ballet in Amsterdam. She moved to London in 1948 to continue her studies, and she soon began modeling. In 1951, she made her stage debut in the play Gigi. Her performance was success, and she signed to a contract with Paramount Pictures.

Hepburn's film debut came in 1951 with the film The Secret People. She had a small role in the film, but she was praised for her performance. Her breakthrough role came in 1953 with the film Roman Holiday. She starred opposite Gregory Peck in the film, and she won an Academy Award for Best Actress for her performance.

Hepburn went on to star in a number of other successful films, including Sabrina (1954), Funny Face (1957), The Nun's Story (1959), Breakfast at Tiffany's (1961), Charade (1963), and My Fair Lady (1964). She was also nominated for an Academy Award for her performance in the film War and Peace (1956).

Humanitarian work

In addition to her film career, Hepburn was also a humanitarian. She was a Humanatarian Goodwill Ambassador from 1988 until her death in 1993. She traveled to many countries in Africa and Asia to raise awareness about the plight of children.


Hepburn died of cancer on January 20, 1993, at her home in Switzerland. She was 63 years old. She is considered one of the greatest actresses of all time, and her legacy continues to inspire people around the world.

Here are some additional details about Audrey Hepburn's life and career:

  • She was born into a wealthy family, but her parents divorced when she was six years old.
  • Shy and introverted child, and she often struggled with her weight.
  • Suffered from malnutrition during World War II, when she was living in the Netherlands under Nazi occupation.
  • Began studying ballet in Amsterdam in 1948.
  • Moved to London in 1951 to continue her studies, and she soon began modeling.
  • Stage debut came in the play Gigi in 1951.
  • Film debut in The Secret People in 1951.
  • Won an Academy Award for Best Actress for her performance in Roman Holiday in 1953.
  • Nominated for an Academy Award for her performance in War and Peace in 1956.
  • Humanitarian Goodwill Ambassador from 1988 until her death in 1993.
  • Died of cancer on January 20, 1993, at her home in Switzerland.

Hepburn was a talented actress, a beautiful woman, and a dedicated humanitarian who left a lasting legacy on the world.

When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.


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