Nature Friendly Farming Network

Nature Friendly Farming Network (NFFN)

The Nature Friendly Farming Network (NFFN) recognizes the importance of ecological balance and biodiversity in farming systems. It encourages farmers to work in harmony with natural processes, minimizing the use of synthetic inputs such as chemical fertilizers and pesticides. Instead, nature farmers focus on enhancing soil fertility, managing pests and diseases through natural means, and maintaining a diverse range of crops and beneficial organisms.

Here are some key benefits of nature farming:

Sustainability. Nature farming practices prioritize long-term environmental sustainability. By minimizing the use of synthetic chemicals, nature farmers reduce water pollution, soil degradation, and the loss of biodiversity. They also aim to conserve natural resources such as water and energy, contributing to a more sustainable future.


Soil health and fertility. Nature farming emphasizes the importance of building and maintaining healthy soil. Through practices like composting, cover cropping, and crop rotation, nature farmers improve soil structure, fertility, and microbial activity. Healthy soils retain water better, reduce erosion, and enhance nutrient availability to plants, leading to higher crop yields.


Reduced chemical exposure. Nature farming minimizes the use of synthetic pesticides and fertilizers, reducing the exposure of farmers, farmworkers, and consumers to harmful chemicals. This approach contributes to healthier ecosystems, supports biodiversity, and improves the overall safety and quality of agricultural products.


Biodiversity conservation. Nature farming promotes biodiversity on and around farms. By creating diverse habitats and reducing chemical inputs, nature farmers provide a conducive environment for beneficial insects, birds, and other wildlife. This helps maintain ecological balance, enhances natural pest control, and supports pollinators crucial for crop production.


Resilience to climate change. Nature farming practices are often more resilient to climate change impacts such as droughts, extreme temperatures, and heavy rainfall. By building healthy soil and diverse cropping systems, nature farmers can retain more water, prevent soil erosion, and adapt to changing climatic conditions more effectively.


Improved food quality. Nature farming prioritizes the production of high-quality, nutritious food. By focusing on soil health, crops grown through natural farming methods often have higher nutritional content, better taste, and improved shelf life. Additionally, reduced chemical residues contribute to safer and healthier food for consumers.


Community engagement and knowledge sharing. The Nature Friendly Farming Network fosters community engagement and knowledge sharing among farmers, researchers, and consumers. By connecting like-minded individuals and organizations, the network facilitates the exchange of information, best practices, and innovative ideas. This collaborative approach accelerates the adoption and development of nature farming practices.


Nature Friendly Farming Network plays a vital role in promoting and supporting nature farming practices. By embracing ecological principles, nature farmers contribute to sustainable agriculture, biodiversity conservation, and the production of high-quality food while reducing chemical exposure and enhancing climate resilience. The Nature Friendly Farming Network serves as a platform for collaboration, knowledge sharing, and community engagement, fostering a collective effort toward a more sustainable and nature-friendly agricultural future.


There are several practical ways to support the Nature Friendly Farming Network (NFFN) and contribute to the promotion and development of nature farming practices. These are:

Educate yourself. Learn about nature farming principles, techniques, and the benefits it offers. Familiarize yourself with the work of the Nature Friendly Farming Network and other organizations supporting nature farming. This knowledge will help you make informed choices as a consumer and advocate for nature farming in your community.


Support local nature farmers. Purchase organic and nature-farmed products from local farmers who follow nature farming practices. Visit farmers' markets, join community-supported agriculture (CSA) programs, or explore online platforms that connect consumers directly with nature farmers. By supporting these farmers, you encourage their sustainable practices and contribute to the growth of nature farming.


Spread awareness. Share information about nature farming and the NFFN with your family, friends, and social networks. Use social media, blogs, or other platforms to raise awareness about the benefits of nature farming and the importance of supporting farmers who practice it. Encourage others to make informed choices when purchasing food and to support local, nature-friendly initiatives.


Volunteer and participate. Get involved with local nature farming initiatives and organizations. Offer your time and skills to assist nature farmers with tasks such as planting, harvesting, or farm maintenance. Attend workshops, seminars, and field days organized by the Nature Friendly Farming Network or other relevant organizations to expand your knowledge and network with like-minded individuals.


Advocate for supportive policies. Engage with local policymakers and advocate for policies that promote and support nature farming. Write letters, attend public hearings, and join community organizations that focus on sustainable agriculture and environmental conservation. By raising awareness and voicing your support, you can help create an enabling environment for nature farming practices.


Support research and innovation. You can contribute to research efforts and innovation in nature farming. Donate to research organizations or participate in citizen science projects related to sustainable agriculture and nature farming practices. By supporting research, you can help advance the knowledge and techniques associated with nature farming and contribute to its continuous improvement.


Engage in backyard gardening. Practice nature farming principles in your own backyard or community garden. Use organic fertilizers, minimize chemical inputs, encourage biodiversity, and explore composting and other sustainable gardening practices. By becoming a nature farmer yourself, you contribute to the local ecosystem, food production, and inspire others to adopt nature-friendly approaches.


Collaborate with the NFFN. If you are a researcher, farmer, or organization, collaborate with the NFFN to share your knowledge and experiences. Contribute to their events, workshops, and publications. Participate in their networks and help expand the reach and impact of nature farming practices.


Remember that supporting nature farming is not limited to a single action but rather a continuous commitment to sustainable agriculture and environmental stewardship. By taking practical steps, both small and large, you can make a meaningful contribution to the NFFN and the promotion of nature farming practices. 

Find Us

Papley Grove Farmhouse St Ives Road, Eltisley, St Neots, United Kingdom, PE19 6TW
07813 625292 Alena Walker – UK Communications Manager
When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.


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