November 15, 2023


map of Nigeria

Entrepreneurship is a key driver of economic growth and development in Nigeria. A new report was put together. ‘State of Entrepreneurship Index Report for Nigeria’ by the FATE Institute of the popular FATE Foundation.

The Fate Institute State-Level Entrepreneurial Index Ranking measures the enabling environment for entrepreneurship in each state of the country. Including access to finance, infrastructure, and human capital. 

Public and private sectors play significant roles in development of these states.

Measured according to business performance, skills acquisition, innovation and technology adoption. Perception of future opportunities, enabling business environment, index score and rank.

Entrepreneurship Nigeria State by State

The top 10 states leading entrepreneurship development in Nigeria according to the 2022 ranking are:

1. Imo 

Imo State's entrepreneurship development has made significant strides. Namely the technology sector, where startups are flourishing.

The state has a growing number of startups and incubators, and has invested in infrastructure development to support entrepreneurship. 

The state government has launched several initiatives to support small businesses and startups. The local ecosystem has seen an influx of investment and innovation.

Imo State Investment Promotion Agency (ISIPA)

One of the most notable entrepreneurship development initiatives in Imo State is the Imo State Investment Promotion Agency (ISIPA), which was established to attract investment to the state and support the growth of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). ISIPA offers a range of services to entrepreneurs and investors, including investment facilitation, business registration, and access to funding.

Imo State’s business performance was 0.17. With skills acquisition of 0.16. Innovation and technology adoption measured 0.18. Perception of future opportunities was 0.22. Enabling business environment indicated 0.08. Index score was 0.82 and rank was 1.

2. Bauchi

Bauchi State has a relatively young population and has invested in human capital development. They have launched several initiatives to support entrepreneurship and innovation. Including a technology hub. With business performance of 0.15. Bauchi measured 0.14 for skills acquisition. 0.17 in innovation and technology adoption. 0.21 for perception of future opportunities. Enabling business environment was 0.05. Index score was 0.72, with rank of 2.

Bauchi State Investment Promotion Agency (BIPA), was established to attract investment to the state and support the growth of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). BIPA offers a range of services to entrepreneurs and investors, including investment facilitation, business registration, and access to funding.

Bauchi State established the Bauchi State Small and Medium Enterprises Development Agency (BASMEDA). They provide training and capacity building for SMEs, and access to finance and other resources.

3. Delta

Delta State has a strong manufacturing base and has launched several initiatives to support entrepreneurship and attract investment. The state has invested in infrastructure development to support entrepreneurship. State’s business performance was 0.16. Its skills acquisition was 0.12. Innovation and technology adoption was 0.13. Perception of future opportunities measured 0.23. Enabling business environment was fixed at 0.05. Index score and rank were 0.70 and 3 respectively.

Delta State Investment Development Agency (DIDA)

Delta State Investment Development Agency (DIDA), which was established to attract investment to the state. To support the growth of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). DIDA offers a range of services to entrepreneurs and investors, including investment facilitation, business registration, and access to funding.

Delta State established the Delta State Small and Medium Enterprises Development Agency (DESMEDA). They provide training and capacity building for SMEs. With access to finance and other resources.

The state government launched several other initiatives to support entrepreneurship development. The Delta State Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Fund, which provides funding and technical assistance to SMEs. The Delta State Innovation Hub, which provides a platform for entrepreneurs to access resources and collaborate with other startups.

4. Plateau

Plateau State, which ranked fourth has a growing tourism sector and has invested in infrastructure development to support entrepreneurship. The state launched several initiatives to support innovation and technology. 

Plateau State Small and Medium Enterprises Development Agency (PLASMEDA) was established. To provide training, funding and support to SMEs in the state. They offer a range of services to entrepreneurs and investors, including business advisory, mentorship, and access to finance.

Plateau State established the Plateau State Information and Communication Technology Development Agency (PICTDA). They provide training and capacity building for SMEs in the technology industry. Access to funding and other resources.

The state government launched several other initiatives to support entrepreneurship development. The Plateau State Youth Entrepreneurship Scheme (PL-YESS). They provide training and funding for young entrepreneurs. The Plateau State Economic and Investment Summit, which provides a platform for entrepreneurs to network and access funding opportunities.

In business performance it had a score of 0.15. Skills acquisition of 0.15. Innovation and technology adoption was 0.15. Perception of future opportunities, 0.21. Enabling business environment was 0.04, with an index score of 0.69.

5. Gombe

Gombe, a relatively small state, has made significant progress in the technology sector. Resulting in the development of tech starts. They have limited resources and infrastructure.

One of the most notable technology initiatives in Gombe is the Gombe State Innovation Hub. This was established by the state government to support tech startups and innovation. The hub provides co-working spaces, mentorship, funding opportunities, and access to a network of tech experts and investors.

Gombe launched several other initiatives to support technology and innovation. The Gombe Goes Digital program, which aims to digitize government services and processes. The Gombe Tech Academy, which provides training and skills development for young people in tech-related fields.

In business performance, it measured 0.15. Skills acquisition; 0.14. Innovation and technology adoption; 0.15. Perception of future opportunities; 0.20. Enabling business environment; 0.04. Index score; 0.69 and rank of 5.

6. Bayelsa

Bayelsa State has a growing technology ecosystem, with several startups and incubators. The state invested in infrastructure development to support entrepreneurship.

Bayelsa State Microfinance & Enterprise Development Agency (BYMEDA)

One of the most notable entrepreneurship development initiatives in Bayelsa State is the Bayelsa State Microfinance & Enterprise Development Agency (BYMEDA), which was established to provide training, funding and support to SMEs in the state. BYMEDA offers a range of services to entrepreneurs and investors, including business advisory, mentorship, and access to finance.

Business performance was 0.14, skills acquisition; 0.14. Innovation and technology adoption; 0.15 Perception of future opportunities; 0.20. Enabling business environment; 0.05. Index score; 0.68 and rank; 6.

7. Edo

Edo State has a growing technology ecosystem, with several startups and incubators. The state established a venture capital fund to support early-stage startups.

Edojobs is an initiative of the Edo State government in Nigeria.

Business performance was 0.14 Skills acquisition; 0.13, innovation and technology adoption; 0.14. Perception of future opportunities; 0.21. Enabling business environment; 0.05. Index score; 0.67 and rank; 7.

A significant move in the state is the Edo State Skills Development Agency (EdoJobs), which was established to provide training, funding and support to SMEs in the state. EdoJobs offers a range of services to entrepreneurs and investors, including business advisory, mentorship, and access to finance.

The State established the Edo State Innovation Hub. They provide training and capacity building for SMEs in the technology industry. Access to funding and other resources.

8. Kaduna

Kaduna State invested in infrastructure development. Creating a better transportation sector. The state has launched several initiatives to support entrepreneurship and attract investment.

Business performance; 0.12. Skills acquisition; 0.12. Innovation and technology adoption; 0.17. Perception of future opportunities; 0.20. Enabling business environment; 0.05. Index score; 0.66 and rank of 8.

Kaduna Startup & Entrepreneurship Programme (KADSTEP)

Kaduna State has built notable entrepreneurship development initiatives including the Kaduna Startup & Entrepreneurship Programme (KADSTEP), which was established to provide training, funding and support to SMEs in the state. KADSTEP offers a range of services to entrepreneurs and investors, including business advisory, mentorship, and access to finance.

Kaduna State established the Kaduna State ICT Hub. They provide training and capacity building for SMEs in the technology industry. Access to funding and other resources. 

9. Ebonyi

Ebonyi State has a relatively young population and has invested in human capital development. The state launched several initiatives to support entrepreneurship and innovation.

Ebonyi State Ministry of Empowerment and Job Creation was established to provide training, funding, and support to SMEs in the state. The ministry offers a range of services to entrepreneurs and investors, including business advisory, mentorship, and access to finance.

The State established the Ebonyi State Centre for Entrepreneurship Development. They provide training and capacity building for SMEs in various industries. Access to funding and other resources.

With rank of 9, Ebonyi States business performance was 0.15. Skills acquisition was 0.12. Innovation and technology adoption; 0.15. Perception of future opportunities; 0.19. Enabling business environment; 0.04, and index score; 0.65. 

10. Benue

Benue State has a growing agriculture sector. They launched several initiatives to support agribusiness and entrepreneurship development. The Benue State Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Fund, which provides access to affordable loans for SMEs in the state. The Benue State Youth Empowerment Scheme, which provides training and funding for young entrepreneurs.

The private sector plays a significant role in entrepreneurship development in Benue State. The state has a growing agriculture and agribusiness ecosystem. Startups and agribusiness incubators. Companies like Dangote Group. They produce a range of products from cement to sugar, are contributing to the growth of the local economy.

Business performance for Benue State was measured at 0.13. Skills acquisition indicated 0.14. Innovation and technology adoption was 0.15. Perception of future opportunities; 0.20. Enabling business environment; 0.05. Index score of 0.65 and ranked 10.

These 10 states are leading the way in entrepreneurship development in Nigeria, creating a supportive environment for startups and small businesses to thrive. 

The ranking is a useful tool for policymakers, investors, and entrepreneurs to identify areas for improvement and investment. 

By supporting entrepreneurship, Nigeria can unlock its full economic potential and create jobs for its growing population.

When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.


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